Meter reading with Windows mobile reading

Multi-protocol Meter reading management solution on Windows terminal


Effectively managing the consumption of a network implies the use of an IT tool to avoid any error of entry or forgetting. Thanks to radio technologies, the indexes are captured remotely and then retrieved from the mobile terminal.

Optimise the meter radio reading

  • Radio multi-protocol and manual reading solutions. Diehl Metering (Sappel), Itron, Coronis, Homerider, Elster, Sensus, Zenner, Kamstrup, Maddalena, Sontex, Apator, Bmeter...
  • Compatible with pocket PC et tablet PC
  • Synchronisation of the routes in local mode (USB) or remotely through 3G/4G or Wifi
  • GPS Guidance with georeferencing
  • Alarms management in real time
  • Possibility to take photo in the subscriber form
  • Multiplatform solution :  Windows Mobile, Windows CE, Android...
  • Billing : compatible with Agedi, Cegid, e-GEE, Gedipro, HiAffinity, Incom, JVS, Magnus, Segilog, Visa...
Compatible with a large range of terminals, regarding to your constraints and your specifications. Manual reading, radio reading, GPS Guidance, camera, GPRS Download, GIS, alarms management...

Management of water and heat meter indexes, with a module of radio reading (beltbox). Interfacing with billing softwares.