Indoor geolocation for SmartPTI

The radio beacons GeoBT are mainly used for the protection of the Lone workers on industrial sites. When the GPS signal is not enough or bad, especially in buildings, it is necessary to install beacons enabling to precisely locate the Lone workers equipped with a LWP system.
GeoBT transmit an individual positionning login to SmartPTI. In case of emergency, SmartPTI sends the last known positionning of the employee to the alarm and/or to each text message recipient.

Operation :
GeoBT is a radio beacon link to SmartPTI, enabling to realise indoor geolocation of an agent in a zone not covered by a classical GPS signal. The range of the beacons may vary depending on the structure of the building (20 to 50 metres).
The power of each beacon is adjustable in order to locate in the most precise way.
When there is a cross referencing of several beacons at the radio signal level, SmartPTI will select the nearest beacon by analyzing the level of the radio signal.

Learn more

20 to 50m range, Adjustable power, 5 years of autonomy, IP65 Box, Fixing with 4 holes, Dimensions 100x100x50, Operation temperature -20°C to +54°C, Beacon's GPS Coordinates simulation, Assigning a specific name to each beacon, Adaptation of a specific sensor on request.

Essential for a precise indoor geolocation of the LWP systems in tertiary or industrial buildings.